JAMMU: Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) has registered FIR against Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service (JKAS) officer Gul Hussain Kraipak, the then ACD Ramban (presently posted as Deputy Director Information Jammu) in Disproportionate Assets case.
According to the FIR, a verification was conducted to look into the allegations that Gul Hussain Kraipak the then ACD Ramban, has acquired huge assets which are disproportionate to his known source of income.
Consequently, it came to the fore that officer has accumulated huge assets in the shape of immovable / moveable properties in his own name, in the name of his wife and other family members which includes single storey house at Umar Colony Malik Market in Bathindi worth Rs 43, 10, 382, bank balance worth Rs 60,50,349 as on 04-05-2022, luxurious household items and costly electronic gadgets etc.