The sheer number of smartwatch players out in the Indian market is overwhelming. The budget category where many value-for-money watches are typically in the under Rs 3000 price mark. The latest budget smartwatch we have for review is the pTron Force X11, a rectangular watch which brings a good mix of features and affordability.
I tried the watch out for over a week and here’s my full review of the smartwatch.
The pTron Force X11 sports a relatively simple design with the same rectangular dial and standard silicone straps that are now all too common in this segment. The design is functional and also comfortable on the wrist for long hours. But there’s no premium touch or stand-out element here.
The watch features a nice 1.7-inch TFT display. It’s not an AMOLED at this price, but it gets the job done. The bezels on the side aren’t too big to take away from the experience, but the chin is a little larger.