Radhika Chauthmal Beriwala from Surat in Gujarat has aced the CA Final December exam 2021, following the results trend from May 2021 when 19-year-old Nandini Agrawal from Madhya Pradesh’s Morena district was the topper. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) declared the CA Final and Foundation 2021 result Thursday.
Beriwala, who completed her BCom degree last year from Surat’s SD Jain International College, got 640 out of 800 marks in the new scheme of CA Final exams. “Recently, female toppers have ruled the scoreboard. It is just an indication that girls can do anything if given a chance. Parents’ support is the key,”
Her father, Chauthmal Beriwala, runs a textile business and her mother Asha Beriwala is a homemaker.